The Northbrook Basketball League program serves children in kindergarten through 8th grade with a philosophy of athletes first, winning second. Our objective is to provide enjoyable experiences for children while developing their basketball skills in an atmosphere that promotes teamwork and sportsmanship. Dates, times and locations may change, based on school availability.


Fall & Winter League

Early Fee Registration Deadline: Early September

  • League begins end of October with play through early March
  • Games are on Saturdays ranging from 9am-3pm

Fall League

Early Fee Registration Deadline: Early September

  • League begins end of October with play through mid-December
  • Games are on Saturdays ranging from 9am-3pm

Winter League

Early Fee Registration Deadline: Early December

  • League begins mid-January with play through early March
  • Games are on Saturdays ranging from 9am-3pm


Team Formation

Teams are organized by grade, school and gender but may be combined if necessary. Staff contact participants when changes are needed and will provide the parent an opportunity to decide if the change is right for their child.

Friendship requests are limited to only one friend and must be reciprocal. All friendship requests must be submitted prior to the early fee deadline. Team formation begins soon after the early fee deadline. Players registering after team formation begins are placed on a waitlist and added to teams if space is available, in the order of registration, without regard for school or friendship requests.

Submit a Basketball Friendship Request