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Improving Community Spaces | Wescott Park

Wescott Park Playground Replacement Project

Last Updated: June 7, 2024

New playground at Wescott Park coming soon! Replacement of the playground for ages 2-5 at Wescott Park is slated for Summer 2024. For safety reasons, the construction will begin in June following the end of the school year at nearby Wescott School, with completion currently scheduled for August (prior to the start of the 2024-2025 school year).


Improving Community Spaces | West Park

West Park Improvements Project

Last Updated: May 15, 2024

Northbrook Park District is considering improvements to West Park, located behind Northbrook Sports Center. As part of this process, the Park District is preparing an application for an Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) Grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to help fund a renovation at West Park and we are seeking input regarding park amenities that will best serve the community.


Improving Community Spaces | Greenfield Park

Greenfield Park Improvements Project

Last Updated: May 10, 2024

Playground now open at Greenfield Park! Construction fencing surrounding the playground area at Greenfield Park was recently taken down and the playground is open for play! The playground includes two structures, one for ages 2-5 and one for ages 5-12, and a bank of swings. In addition, ADA improvements were made to the sidewalk within the park site to increase access between amenities and create a more accessible property.


Improving Community Spaces | Williamsburg Square Park

Williamsburg Square Park Improvements Project

Last Updated: February 15, 2024

Northbrook Park District is excited to announce the start of the park renovation project at Williamsburg Square Park, 200 Lee Road. The Park District received a $600,000 Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) Grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) to partially fund this project and we are excited to bring new and improved amenities to this location!


Improving Community Spaces | Oaklane Park

Oaklane Park Renovation Project

Last Updated: October 3, 2023

Northbrook Park District is excited to announce the renovation project at Oaklane Park. Construction began in April 2023 with project completion scheduled for late fall of 2023. In 2019, the District started the community input process for improvements. The project was deferred in 2020 following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Improving Community Spaces | Meadowhill Aquatic Center

Meadowhill Aquatic Center Upgrades Project

Last Updated: July 26, 2023

The Meadowhill Aquatic Center Bathhouse and Mechanical Upgrades Project has been identified as an eligible project for an Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) in 2024. Following consensus from the Parks and Properties Committee at the October 14, 2022 meeting, staff proceeded to prepare an OSLAD eligible project scope for submission to the IDNR.


Improving Community Spaces | Leisure Center

Leisure Center Renovation Project

Last Updated: May 18, 2023

Northbrook Park District is thrilled to have been awarded $2.8 million in state grant funding for a renovation project that will help transform the multigenerational recreation space inside the Leisure Center. The project will enhance the Leisure Center with a variety of new and exciting areas. Spaces that will be renovated or reconfigured include multi-purpose rooms, the demonstration kitchen, the costume shop/programming space, the early childhood center and the dressing rooms.


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Former Green Acres Country Club Property (916 Dundee Road)

Former Green Acres Country Club Property

Last Updated: May 11, 2023

Erickson Senior Living released a statement on May 10 that they would not be moving forward with the development of the Green Acres Country Club property. Throughout discussions over the past several months, Northbrook Park District has been excited by the prospect of working with the developer and the Village of Northbrook to preserve open space and provide recreational opportunities at this location. As additional opportunities arise for land acquisition, the Northbrook Park District will continue to engage with residents and keep their interests a top priority.



Moving Forward 2026 (2021 Update)


Comprehensive Master Plan (2021 Update)

The Board of Commissioners approved the Comprehensive Master Plan: Moving Forward 2026 in February 2017, which provides direction shaped by the community to guide Northbrook Park District facility and program development for ten years. In March 2022, the Board of Commissioners approved an update noting the progress made and provides detail for the remaining five years of the plan.

The process for the updated plan began in Spring 2021 with revisions to the inventory and analysis of park and open space assets, indoor facilities, and community demographic makeup. Staff, stakeholders, the Park Board of Commissioners, and the community then shared their opinions about the District’s parks, facilities, programs, and needs.

Read the Plan



2024 Capital Improvement Plan


Capital Improvement Plan

The Capital Improvement Plan is Northbrook Park District’s forecast of facility and park improvements including the repair and replacement of existing equipment and vehicles. With the completion and adoption of the District’s 2016-2026 Comprehensive Master Plan, a 10-year Capital Improvement Plan has been developed with community input and will be updated annually to serve as our road map to define priorities and projects.

The process begins with the submission of project requests by each Division. These projects are reviewed and evaluated by members of the Senior Leadership Team with input from knowledgeable staff members. Projects are prioritized based on the District’s overall goals and anticipated funding. All project costs are estimates based upon quotes provided by contractors and consultants for specific equipment or the scope of the project as defined at the time of this publication. The final compilation of project requests is presented to the Board of Commissioners based on consensus agreement of the Executive Director and Division Directors.

Read the Plan

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